Role, mission and values


Launched in 2018, Food Drink Bulgaria is the voice of the food and drink industry towards stakeholders and authorities. Food Drink Bulgaria brings together and popularizes the positions of its members in areas such as food safety and research, health and nutrition, consumer trust and choice, competitiveness and environmental sustainability, improving the regulatory framework and enhancing self-regulation.
The founders of the Association are some of the largest international and local companies operating in Bulgaria in the food and drink sector.
Food and Drink Bulgaria is a member of FooddrinkEurope - the most influential European organization in the food and beverage industry.
The organization is open to all companies and branch organizations in the sector.


Our mission is to support the creation and development of an environment where all companies in the industry working within our market, regardless of their size, can meet the needs of consumers and society, while at the same time providing conditions for sustainable development.
The contribution of the Food Drink Bulgaria Association is based on sound data management and effective communication functioning within the regulatory framework to ensure that all issues related to food and beverages are considered.
We strive to ensure a high level of professional service for our members, we work to guarantee the continued successful growth of the industry in an open market.
We are committed to ensuring the representation of industry interests in negotiations with national, European and international authorities and institutions.
We are a responsible partner of the state in defining sector policies and implementing instruments to support the sustainable, competitive and prosperous development of the sector.


The members of Food Drink Bulgaria are committed to be guided in their business models by the principles of: Human Rights, Health & Safety, Social Responsibility, Environmental Sustainability, Correctness and fair attitude to Consumers and Responsible Business Conduct. Using these principles as a basis, they will further raise awareness of sharing and scaling up best practices that will be beneficial for both organizations and society.