Press Releases and Statements
Press Releases and Statements
The management and team of "Devin" took immediate action to remedy the accident that occurred on 08/04/2023 (Friday) and it was rectified in a timely manner, the company assures.
Although we are still waiting for the results of the internal and external inspections that have been launch...
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The European Commission published EU food waste targets under its revision of the Waste Framework Directive. FoodDrinkEurope Director General Dirk Jacobs has issued the following statement in response:
FoodDrinkEurope is committed to help Europe’s food and drink sector...
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The food industry believes that the use of NAMs in the context of a scientific risk-based safety assessment provides a more relevant and informative way of assessing the safety of food ingredients, instead of unnecessary animal testing.
Therefore, the food industry calls for integrating NAMs rout...
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This guide aims to comprehensively outline the aspects of product innovation and reformulation that may need to be considered when undertaking reformulation work. However, not all of the considerations are valid for every reformulation and the relevance of the considerations outlined herein is likel...
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The European agri-food chain is characterised by its strong interlinkages amongst all partners in the chain, its complexity, its resilience in a continued period of uncertainties, and its common goal to continue striving for a high level of food safety, food quality and nutrition security. We suppor...
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