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Amid recent European Parliament elections and key discussions in the European Council on the future political direction of the EU, FoodDrinkEurope has unveiled a guide for incoming policymakers, detailing strategies to unleash a competitive European food and drink industry, which is equipped to lead the world on sustainability, innovation and economic performance, while delivering food safety, affordability and security. The updated Food Investment and Resilience Plan...

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The level of processing our food and drink undergoes does not determine the nutritional content of the final product. Classifying and legislating food on the basis of the level of processing is not a scientifically-sound approach to food policy and would lead to negative outcomes for our food systems. FoodDrinkEurope has undertaken a review of over 40 independent academic and scientific papers that critique ‘ultra-processed foods’ classifications and highlig...

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FoodDrinkEurope has published its Annual Report 2024, presenting the highlights of its work over the past year. Read more

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Drivers for reformulating an existing product or developing a new one include:  Modifying calorie content or portion size. z Improving nutritional profile (e.g., through ingredient selection, fortification with micronutrients, increasing fibre or protein, or decreasing salt, sugars, or fat) Reducing costs. z Resolving supply chain issues. Extending shelf-life. z Improving sensory profiles (e.g., texture, mouthfeel).  Responding to regulatory changes or c...

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Ahead of the vote on the Packaging & Packaging Waste Regulation in the European Parliament, FoodDrinkEurope has put together some key recommendations for the to ensure that circularity goes hand-in-hand with innovation, competitiveness, and food safety in line with the EU’s climate neutrality ambition. Read more

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