
XIX National Scientific and Practical Conference on "The Food Industry in Bulgaria – Present, and Future" was organized by The Union of Food Industry, part of the Federation of the Scientific Engineering Unions. The members of the Food Drinks Bulgaria Association - Coca Cola and The Bulgarian Soft Drinks Association, were awarded with prizes in the fifteenth edition of the competition "Food Industry in Bulgaria - New Products and Technologies 2022&quot...

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 The Food Drink  Bulgaria Association participated in the Fourteenth Scientific and Practical Conference "Trends in the packaging of food and beverages - safety, quality, ecology and regulatory framework". During the forum, novelties and innovations regarding different types of packaging were discussed. The issue of introducing a deposit system in the country and achieving a full circular model of used packaging was also raised. "Plastic Pact Bulgaria -...

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The forum was organized by the Food Industry Union and was held within the Mesomania and Bulpek exhibitions at Inter Expo Center - Sofia, on October 6, 2022.

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September 16, 2022,The General Assembly of the Food Drink Bulgaria Association unanimously elected Mr. Petar Stoilov, Executive Director of Nestlé Bulgaria JSC, as Chairman of the Board of the Association, due to the expiration of the mandate of the previous Chairman Ivaylo Naydenov. Petar Stoilov is Country Manager of Nestlé Bulgaria as of 1 November 2019 and leads Nestlé Bulgaria force for good team with more than 1000 people whose main objective is to be in l...

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На 18.04.0222г. се проведе Национална среща-семинар с академични среди и браншови организации за отчитане напредъка по реформулиране на храните в България. Срещата се организира от Министерство на здравеопазването и Националния център по обществено здраве и анализи и се провежда в изпълнение на Национална програма за превенция на хроничните болести, 2021-2025. Сдружение“ Храни и напитки България“ беше активен участник в срещата като  презентации представиха г-жа Яна...

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